Health organizations worldwide recommend that mothers breastfeed their babies exclusively for six months, and then continue breastfeeding for one year and beyond, even as solid foods are introduced. The longer and more exclusively a mother breastfeeds her baby, the greater the health benefits they both receive. New mothers can be successful meeting their breastfeeding goals with the loving support of family, community, and healthcare providers.
How Knox County WIC Supports Breastfeeding
The Knox Breastfriends Facebook Group is a mother-to-mother breastfeeding support group for moms (and moms-to-be) and their families to:
- Share their breastfeeding journeys.
- Address breastfeeding questions.
- Receive positive support and encouragement.
- Help each other achieve breastfeeding goals.
This group is private and invite-based, where only members can see each other’s posts. We host both in-person and virtual meetings. Learn more here.
WIC breastfeeding peer counselors have a dramatic impact on helping families reach their breastfeeding goals. (A bilingual Spanish/English peer counselor is available.) A breastfeeding peer counselor is a mom who:
- Has personal breastfeeding experience.
- Is trained in basic breastfeeding techniques and counseling skills.
- Gives basic breastfeeding information and one-on-one support to WIC mothers.
Mothers who exclusively breastfeed receive more variety and larger quantities of foods in their WIC food package.
Las madres que amamantan exclusivamente reciben más variedad y mayores cantidades de alimentos en su paquete de alimentos de WIC.
- Alimentos de WIC para la Madre Amamantando Exclusivamente
- Alimentos de WIC para la Madre Amamantando Parcialmente
Infants who are exclusively breastfed receive larger quantities and more types of baby food at 6 months of age.
Los bebés que son alimentados exclusivamente con leche materna reciben mayores cantidades y más tipos de alimentos para bebés a los 6 meses de edad.
WIC mothers choosing to breastfeed are provided information and supportive counseling from trained staff. Our WIC team includes Certified Lactation Counselors (CLC), Certified Lactation Specialists (CLS) and an Internationally Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
![Breast feeding Support image](images/BreastfeedingSupport.png)
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