Welcome to the Department of Engineering and Public Works (EPW). The men and women of EPW work diligently to provide the public with a broad range of essential services, including codes administration, fire prevention, highway maintenance, planning & development, soil conservation, solid waste & recycling, stormwater management and transportation. These divisions have a daily impact on the lives of Knox County residents. It is our goal to offer efficient, cost-effective services to every citizen of our community.
Engineering & Public Works
Codes Administration & Enforcement

Knox County Code Administration's mission is to protect the safety, health, welfare, and property of the citizens of Knox County. This is accomplished through administration, public education, and enforcement of building regulatory codes. Whereas, plan review, periodic inspections, and active enforcement of zoning regulations on new and existing construction are fundamental elements of our overall mission. more
Highway Maintenance Division

The Highway and Bridge Division maintains, builds, and rehabilitates all Knox County roads and bridges. This includes nearly 2000 miles of paved roads and 134 bridges. more
Soil Conservation District

The Knox County Soil Conservation District (SCD) formulates and directs a local natural resource conservation program for Knox County, Tennessee. There is an SCD office in each Tennessee county and nearly 3,000 Soil Conservation Districts nationwide. more
Solid Waste and Recycling

The Knox County Solid Waste Department delivers cost-effective services and provides quality information to help Knox County taxpayers efficiently recycle and dispose of residential waste. This includes managing the seven Knox County recycling and household waste drop-off centers, providing comprehensive recycling options at the centers, and making convenient disposal of household hazardous materials available for all Knox County residents... more
Stormwater Management

The mission of stormwater management is to improve and/or maintain the health of Knox County water resources by mitigating the effects of urban development... more
Traffic Engineering

Knox County Traffic Engineering is responsible for all transportation issues on 1,725 miles of pavement. The main focuses of the department are traffic signals, signs, pavement markings, and traffic operations. more