Knox County Tennessee

Stormwater Permits

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Permits You May Need to Operate in Knox County

  • Flood Plain Development Permit:

    Knox County requires that a Floodplain Development Permit be obtained if the proposed development/building is within the outer half of the 100-year floodplain and/or the 500-year floodplain.

    The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) requires new buildings’ minimum floor elevation (MFE) to be built one foot (1’) above the 100-year flood elevation. Knox County provides additional protection from potential flooding by requiring new buildings’ minimum floor elevation (MFE) to be one foot (1’) above the 500-year flood elevation.

    An Elevation Certificate is also required by the Knox County Stormwater Management Department for these developments/buildings that are required to obtain a Floodplain Development Permit (please see above), as part of our National Flood Insurance Program participation.

  • Land Disturbance / Grading Permit and Small Lot Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan Form:

    Beginning June 12, 2017, any land disturbing activities over 1 acre or part of a larger common plan of development will require a Land Disturbance / Grading Permit from Knox County as well as a Notice of Coverage from Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation. The Land Disturbance / Grading Permit can be obtained by calling Knox County Stormwater Management at (865) 215-5540.

    Developments under 1 acre that have either 5 + feet of cut / fill material OR over 10,000 square feet of planned imperviousness require a Land Disturbance / Grading Permit. The Land Disturbance / Grading Permit can be obtained by calling Knox County Stormwater Management at (865) 215-5540.

    Developments under 1 acre that have less than 5 feet of cut/fill material require a Small Lot Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan form. This form is issued by our Codes Department and can be obtained by calling Knox County Codes at (865) 215-2325.

  • Knox County Special Pollution Abatement Permits (SPAP):

    Parking Lot SPAP:

    Automotive SPAP:

    Food SPAP:

    • This permit is for NEW construction
    • $100 application fee
    • A SPAP is required for development or redevelopment projects based on the potential for the development to impact stormwater runoff quality.  SPAP requirements are presented in detail in Volume 2, Chapter 10
    • This form is to be used for EXISTING facilities required to submit a SWPPP if the business is considered a “hot spot” with a potential to impact stormwater runoff quality.
    • This is NOT a fillable form. Please print and mail your SWPPP to the address listed in the document.
    • $100 application fee