Knox County Tennessee


Ready to quit smoking?

Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine: For support in quitting, including free coaching, a quit plan, educational materials, and referrals to local resources, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.

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Visit tools and tips regardless of where someone is at in their quit journey. If you are wanting to quit, recently quit or you quit a while ago, use this resource to help build your quit plan.

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Control your cravings with Learn about quit smoking tips, how smoking affects you and how to control your cravings.


Tobacco Toolkit:

KCHD offers a Knox County Tobacco Prevention Training for employers, which will benefit anyone who serves people using commercial tobacco, from healthcare professionals to social workers to school staff.

Smoke-Free Tennessee:

The Tennessee Non-Smokers Protection Act of 2007 allows Tennesseans to breathe smoke-free at numerous restaurants, hotels and many other indoor establishments. Click here to learn more about this law or if you have any questions about complying with the Tennessee Non-Smokers Protection Act, please call 1-800-293-8228.

Resources for Creating a Smoke-free Workplace

A free resource for guidance on implementing a tobacco-free workplace can be found here.

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Tips for practitioners:



Why Do Kids Start Using Tobacco?

Tips for Talking to Kids About Smoking

  • Smoking is glamorized in movies, television shows and online, but parents are the most important influences in their children's lives.
  • Start talking to your kids about smoking when they are 5 or 6 years old and continue through their high school years. Many kids start smoking by age 11 and some are addicted by age 14. Explain the health dangers of smoking, as well as the unpleasant physical aspects (such as bad breath, discolored teeth and nails).
  • If you're a parent who smokes, the best thing you can do is to quit. Talk to your kids about how difficult it is to quit smoking and how much easier it would have been if you'd never started smoking in the first place. In the meantime, don't smoke around your children and don’t ever let them have any of your cigarettes.
  • Find out if your children have any friends that smoke or vape. Talk with your kids about ways to refuse a cigarette or e-cigarette.
  • If you catch your teen smoking or vaping, avoid threats and ultimatums. Ask a few questions and find out why your child is smoking or vaping; they may want to be accepted by a peer group or want your attention. Talk about what changes can be made in your teen’s life to help them stop smoking.

Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555

On the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August), KCHD will open at 11 a.m. due to monthly in-service.