Knox County Tennessee

Reportable Diseases

The EPI Program conducts surveillance and follow-up investigations of 54 Reportable Diseasesthat are required by law in the state of Tennessee to be reported to public health authorities (excluding STDs, TB, and HIV/AIDS which are followed by staff in our Communicable Disease Clinic). Local physicians, hospitals, and labs report cases of reportable diseases to the EPI program using a standardized Reportable Disease Report Form. A nurse in the EPI Program interviews each case to determine likely sources and risk factors for contracting the disease, to ensure that the patient receives adequate treatment and education about preventing disease transmission, and to determine the need for follow-up and treatment of contacts if required. Daily, the EPI Program monitors data from a variety of sources in order to rapidly detect signs of natural or intentionally-caused disease outbreaks. EPI staff respond to foodborne and other disease outbreaks, and respond to reports of disease or unhealthy conditions throughout the county.

When appropriate, notification of a disease outbreak is disseminated to community medical providers by the EPI Program. The Program maintains close communication with Infection Control Personnel of area hospitals to rapidly communicate and coordinate action in disease outbreak settings. Consultation is also offered to day care facilities, schools, and other entities that are concerned about maintaining control of communicable diseases within their setting. Calls from the medical community and from the public regarding communicable diseases are handled by EPI Program staff. Information is available on bloodborne pathogens and other communicable diseases and the prevention of their transmission.

Quarterly, the EPI Program publishes the EPI Update newsletter that contains current infectious disease information and statistics for East Tennessee. It is mailed to approximately 2000 medical providers and veterinarians in Knox County and the East Tennessee Region.

Staff in the EPI Program can be reached by calling (865) 215-5093.

Tennessee Department of Health Reportable Disease List, Reporting forms, and Reports/Data.

  • Reportable Disease List
    List of the diseases that are reportable by law in the state of Tennessee.
  • Reports/Data
    Community Surveys, Epi Update, Health at a Glance, Reports, Publications, and more.

Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555

On the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August), KCHD will open at 11 a.m. due to monthly in-service.