Knox County Wheel Tax –There is a $36.00 wheel tax in Knox County for all motorized vehicles and cycles. The tax does not apply to trailers. There are exemptions from the Wheel Tax under certain conditions. Please review the Affidavit for Wheel Tax Exemption to see if you qualify. Owners meeting the exemption criteria as set forth in the Knox County Wheel Tax Ordinance (O-04-5-101(a)) are exempt from $30 of the wheel tax.
In Person Registration Renewal -- To renew a registration in person, bring the preprinted form mailed to you from the state office into the Courthouse or one of our satellite locations. If you don't have the form, you can use your last tag receipt or tag number.
Renewing by Mail – Mail-in service is available for Tennessee motorists renewing an annual registration. Simply send all copies of the State preprinted form or your current tag receipt with your correct address, to County Clerk, PO Box 1566, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37901. Include an in-state check payable to the Knox County Clerk drawn on the account of the registered owner. No generic, counter, out of state, or second party checks, please. Please add the $2.00 mail fee shown in the upper corner of your form to the subtotal shown on the renewal document. Orders are normally filled and mailed the same date received by Clerk's office. If you have correctly completed your form and enclosed a check for the correct amount of money, you may expect to receive your new tags within five to ten days.
Required Identification –Please bring Driver’s License or other acceptable forms of I.D. For the fees associated with this
transaction, please call 865-215-2385
or email us at
Renewing Online –The Knox County Clerk’s Office now accepts Visa and MasterCard Credit & Debit card payments for most tag renewals. Convenience fees do apply. See Clerk for details. In just a few minutes you will be able to quickly renew your vehicle registration. Your order will be processed within three business days, but please allow time for postal delivery. To process your renewal online, you will need the following:
- Valid Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard)
- EITHER Your current tag receipt, OR your state renewal notice, OR your tag and title number

Online Renewals
We are proud sponsors of the State Organ Donor Awareness Program, so when visiting our office, please consider donating a dollar to this worthy cause. We welcome any questions, comments and suggestions that will help us serve you better.