In most cases, the total cost for titling and registering your vehicle in Knox County is $77.00. See
below for an itemization of this charge. $77 is the fee for a standard plate. Fees vary and are more
expensive for specialty and commercial tags. Specialty plates for some organizations require proof of
membership. Standard fees and sales tax rates are listed below. Call (865) 215-2385 with further questions
Sales Tax
- State Sales Tax is 7% of purchase price less total value of trade in.
- Local Sales Tax is 2.25% of the first $1,600. This amount is never to exceed $36.00. For
purchases in excess of $1,600, an additional state tax of 2.75% is added up to a
maximum of $44.
- Local collection fee is $1
- Title Fee $14.00 + Licenses plate fee $29 (standard issue plate) = $79.00
Knox County Wheel Tax is $36.00 and may apply when purchasing a new plate.
- Title and transfer of existing plate $14.50.
- The mailing fee is $2.00 if we are just mailing out a registration (for transferred tags or renewals) and $5.00 if we are mailing out a plate and registration. Make check payable to:
Knox County Clerk, PO Box 1566, Knoxville, TN 37901
Optional $1.00 donation to Donate Life, the Tennessee County Clerk Organ Donor
Awareness Foundation
Sales Tax Calculator
Disclaimer: The sales tax calculator is for informational purposes only, please see your motor vehicle clerk to confirm exact sales tax amount.