Knox County Tennessee

Violence Prevention

Everyone deserves a safe and healthy relationship. For help, please contact the Knoxville Family Justice Center 24/7 crisis line at 865-521-6336 or click here.

The Knox County Health Department rape and violence prevention program provides prevention services, program development and technical support for the primary prevention of rape, sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence in Knox County.

Per federal recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, Rape Prevention Education (RPE) Program, the position employs the Spectrum of Prevention Model approach to violence prevention in Knox County.  The Spectrum of Prevention Model identifies six levels of intervention:

  • Strengthening Individual Knowledge and Skills
  • Promoting Community Education
  • Educating Providers
  • Fostering Coalitions and Networks
  • Changing Organizational Practices
  • Influencing Policies and Legislation

Safe Bar Logo

Safe Bar TN

What is Safe Bar TN?

KCHD is partnering with the Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee, the Title IX Office at University of Tennessee and the Family Justice Center to train and certify local bars, restaurants and community organizations to prevent sexual violence and create safe nightlife spaces.

Why should bars get the Safe Bar certification?

Following certification, participating bars are given a window cling to display and access to drug detection coasters, used to detect presence of GHB and Ketamine and promotion of their business in Safe Bar TN’s website and social media platforms.

What is included in training?

Training includes FREE, in-person education on bystander intervention and raising awareness about alcohol's role in sexual assault.

If you are interested in having your bar, restaurant or community organization Safe Bar Certified, please contact Amy Rowling, Violence Prevention Health Educator with KCHD at 865-215-5061 or email her at

Coaching Boys into Men

What is Coaching Boys into Men?

Coaching Boys into Men is a comprehensive, evidence-based violence prevention curriculum created to inspire athletic coaches in high schools to teach their male athletes that violence never equals strength and violence against women and girls is wrong. The program comes with strategies, scenarios and resources needed to talk to young men about leadership and to prevent dating violence, sexual assault and harassment.

KCHD provides training for this FREE program. In addition to the training, all the materials needed to implement the program are free too.

Educational sessions with athletes only take 15 min. per week. If you are interested in being a mentor or coach for this program, you can contact Amy Rowling, RPE Health Educator at 865-215-5061 or

Domestic Violence Awareness Month PSA

Relevant Healthy People 2020 Objectives

Reduce nonfatal physical assault injuries
Reduce bullying among adolescents
Reduce violence by current or former intimate partners
Reduce sexual violence


  • Administer, plan and maintain local and regional rape prevention efforts
  • Submit an annual action plan to the Tennessee Department of Health (TDOH)
  • Submit two semi-annual progress reports to TDOH
  • Implement educational programs for youth and adults about healthy relationships, bystander intervention, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment and bullying
  • Develop community-wide media campaigns that address primary prevention of rape, sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence
  • Collaborate with local partners, including the Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee (SACETN), Community Coalition on Family Violence (CCFV), Knoxville Family Justice Center (FJC), Knox Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (KAPPI), Helen Ross McNabb, East Tennessee Civil Rights Working Group and Latino Task Force

Contact Information

Amy Rowling
Public Health Educator
Knox County Health Department
140 Dameron Avenue
Knoxville, TN  37917
(865) 215-5061

Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555

On the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August), KCHD will open at 11 a.m. due to monthly in-service.