Knox County Tennessee

Voter Data USB Flash Drive Information

NOTICE: Election Commission to begin charging $40 for voter data USB Flash Drive,
starting December 1, 2021

Per Tennessee state law, the Knox County Election Commission makes available a voter data USB Flash Drive to individuals and organizations that request voter registration information as well as voter history for Knox County voters. The requestor must complete, as required by law, a form stating that the requestor will use the information on the USB Flash Drive “for political purposes only.”

Starting December 1, 2021, the Knox County Election Commission will begin charging $40 per voter data USB Flash Drive. This $40 per USB Flash Drive charge will bring Knox County in line with other peer counties in east Tennessee.

To request a voter data USB Flash Drive, visit either one of our offices ( 300 Main Street, Room 229 or 109 Lovell Heights Road ) or call (865)-215-2480.