Knox County Tennessee

Health Promotion

StairWell Campaign

The StairWELL campaign was created to encourage employees to get a little more physical during their work day by taking the stairs whenever possible. Please print and post these signs around your business to gently remind your workers of the benefits of skipping the elevator. For more information about Work Site Wellness, contact or call 865-215-5180.

Poster 1 Poster 3 Poster 5
Poster 2 Poster 4 Poster 6

Youth Health Board Application Packet

The Youth Health Board is made up of a diverse group of young people from across Knox County. Two representatives from each high school in Knox County will be accepted. We are looking for students that demonstrate strong leadership skills, a commitment to the community, and an interest in health-related issues.

Click Here for Application.
Application Deadline: April 15, 2022

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

KAPPI (Knox Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative), based at the Knox County Health Department, is part of a state wide effort to address the problem of teen pregnancy and parenting among youth. more about KAPPI

Tobacco Use Prevention and Control

The tobacco use prevention and control program provides information, education, and programming for prevention, tobacco use cessation and secondhand smoke awareness. more about the Tobacco Use Prevention and Control program

Smoking Cessation Toolkit for Employers

Unintentional Injuries

The Senior Safety Task Force is a newly formed group that has convened to address the issue of seniors and fall prevention in the Knoxville community. more about Unintentional Injuries

Violence Prevention

The rape and violence prevention program provides program development and technical support for the primary prevention of rape, sexual assault, and interpersonal violence in Knox County. more about Violence Prevention

Have Questions?
Call: 865-215-5555