Parks and Recreation Recognizes Outstanding Service

Dogwood Arts FestivalThree local volunteers and a retiring part-time employee were recognized by Knox County Parks and Recreation at their Annual County Commission Luncheon on Wednesday, April 16.  Volunteers from both the athletic and the Park Vols programs received plaques from Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale for their outstanding service to the department.


Claude Jones, a Park Vol at Walker Springs Park and the 10 Mile Creek Greenway, was named Park Vol of the Year.  Claude consistently cleans and maintains both areas, and regularly reports problems that need to be addressed by parks maintenance crews.

Mike Maddux, a coach of the senior midget youth football program in Powell, received the Coach of the Year award.

Jeff Cable, a baseball and softball commissioner from Carter Youth Sports, was named Volunteer of the Year.

And a special award was presented to H.B. Jenkins, a long-time, part-time employee with Parks and Recreation athletics.  H.B. is retiring from the umpiring association after many years as Umpire in Chief.

Thanks to all of these folks for their dedication to our county parks and programs.